Sax Solos

Monday, September 3, 2012

Great Sax Solos

I was recently thinking about purchasing an Akai EWI 4000s. As a flute player, I always have wanted to add that same sexy sound that a sax adds but I never was very good with reeds. With the EWI, I can change that and perform sax solos. So, what are the best sax solos to listen to? Here are a few, but unfortunately some artists block their music from being shared and I can only provide you with some live recordings of certain songs and not the original, which may include the sax solo I am referring to.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Land of Confusion

Still holds true almost 25 years later, only the faces have changed some.....

Tell Your Children & Wild Weed

The original name for the 1936 educational film later known as Reefer Madness is Tell Your Children.  Accompanied by the Wild Weed, I saw both of the scare tactic educational films in 1974 while attending the University of Alabama.  Along with musical colleagues Vince Hammond and Cindy Gilbert, we had a good laugh.  Enjoy!